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Young Men: Summer Activities

It is important to keep your son out of trouble over the summer months. The summer is great for relaxing and having fun, but it easy for kids to get in trouble if they have too little to do. Here are five activities that you may consider having your young man do over the summer.

1) You can have your son work. One common job is mowing lawns; another is taking on a paper route. You may also consider encouraging your sixteen year old to find work over the summer. You can encourage your son to pay his tithing and save a portion for his mission or college.

2) Summer time is a great time to teach your son basic skills that he will need on his mission and in college. You can assign him time to shop and cook dinner for the family. You can also teach him how to do the laundry and basic mending. This a great time to work on badges for Scouts as well.

3) Once your son is sixteen he can go out on splits with the missionaries. This is a great opportunity to help him learn about life as a missionary. It will give him an opportunity to share his testimony with others and study the gospel.

4) You can also encourage your son to get involved with sports through your local recreation center or school. These activities will give him an opportunity to socialize and spend time learning or exercising. Sports activities or clubs give each person involved the chance to develop self discipline.

5) Do not forget all the activities that are available through the church. The summer months can fill up with just the camps and youth activities offered by your ward and stake. These activities are great because they can build fellowship with other youth in your area. They often offer testimony-building experiences as well.

Related Articles:

Primary Time: Summer Activities

Young Men and Young Women: Summer Activities

EFY and Other Fun LDS Summer Camps