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Young Men: Teaching the Standards

One of the most important things you can to do to help your young man is to teach him the standards in the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. The church will teach these standards at the Standards night activity every year, as well as during lessons on Sunday. However, these standards are most effective if taught in the home as well. Here are four easy ways to teach the standards to your young man.

1) The best way to teach the standards is to live them yourself. Your children are watching you, and will likely do the same things that you are doing. As you live the standards you may want to discuss times in your life where you were blessed by living the standards.

2) You can review the standards during family home evenings. You can do lessons based on them. There are several family home evening blogs specifically written on the standards from the pamphlet. You may want to have your children teach theses lessons as well. Each of your children should have their own pamphlet. You can ask your bishop for one. There are also wallet size cards available.

3) Another great way to teach the standards is to discuss them on an individual basis with your son. An excellent time to this is during your monthly father son interview. You could discuss a different section each month. This way you can answer any questions your son may have on the standards.

4) You could include the standards in your discussions at dinnertime. You could have a topic jar that you pull questions out of. Simply include questions about the standards in with your other topics. If this seems extreme, you could talk about the standards when they come up as your children tell you about the day. When I was in high school, I was faced with situations that involved the standards every day.

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