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Young Women: “Daughters of Heavenly Father”

In her talk “Daughters of Heavenly Father” Sister Susan B Tanner addressed the Young Women at the special Young Women’s session of conference. Her talk focused on the importance of each young woman remembering who they are. This knowledge helps guide each young woman in the choices that she will face.

Sister Tanner opens her talk by sharing a story of her granddaughter. As a three-year-old she had learned that she was special, and did not hesitate to share that with others. Sister Tanner goes on to say that while you may learned that at a young age, by the time you reach Young Women’s self doubts begin to creep in.

Sister Tanner emphasizes the point that we each need to know that we are children of God. She says,

“How can each of us know and feel that we are Heavenly Father’s daughters? There is a veil between heaven and earth, “a sleep and a forgetting” (William Wordsworth, “Ode: Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood,” stanza 5, line 58) when we are born. This is necessary for us to “gain earthly experience to progress toward perfection and ultimately realize [our] divine destin[ies] as [heirs to] eternal life” (Liahona, Oct. 2004, 49; Ensign, Nov. 1995, 102). Heavenly Father loves us and wants to help us remember Him, so He provides for us glimpses into eternity. The Apostle Paul taught that “the Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God” (Romans 8:16). The Spirit gives us glimpses into who we are. Often the Spirit speaks to us when we pray, read the scriptures, ponder upon the Lord’s mercies to us, receive priesthood blessings, serve others, or feel loved and affirmed by others.”

Sister Tanner says that Moses learned who he was through a strong spiritual experience. We can also seek confirmation through prayer and studying the scriptures. The Lord can have the spirit testify to us of our divine natures.

Sister Tanner goes on to say that parents and Young Women’s leaders can also testify to each young woman’s divinity. She shares a story of a prompting she received regarding one of her children, and how this reminded her of each of her children’s divine nature. Parents can truly help their children see their good qualities.

Sister Tanner says that we each need to remember who we are and act accordingly. Since we have been taught that we are children of a Heavenly Father who loves us and is aware of us, we need to keep the commandments so that we have the opportunity to return to him. Sister Tanner also pointed out that we need to take the opportunity to help those around us remember their divine natures as well. She spoke of building others up, instead of tearing them down.

This is an excellent talk. It is truly important that we remember our divine nature. If we remember we are children of God, it shapes our lives and helps us through difficult times. It is important that we teach this to our children. It is especially important to remind our youth of this, and help them live up to it.

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