In continuing with the values in the Personal Progress program, the next value to discuss is Divine Nature. The scripture is 2 Peter 1:4-7. The motto for this value is “I have inherited divine qualities, which I will strive to develop.” This is a wonderful value for the girls to learn about and focus on. It really focuses on having the young women learn what divine qualities are, and then choose which ones to develop.
It is important for our young women to learn that they do have these wonderful qualities. It is important that they realize that they can choose to be a peacemaker, to be kind to others and to love others. They can choose to have charity towards others. It is also important for them to realize that it takes time and effort to develop these qualities. Very few people have these all the time naturally, but as we work on developing and focusing on these attributes, they can begin to develop them.
The value projects focus on serving others or developing skills that will help them in their own homes. The value experiences introduce the young women to these qualities by having them read scriptures and then choosing one or two qualities to work on. Each experience calls for the young woman to take time to really reflect on her actions and attitudes.
If you are working with your daughter on Personal Progress or encouraging her to work on it, you may want to have a family home evening lesson on what divine qualities are. You may also consider having your daughter teach the family home evening lesson to the family. As a family you can choose a quality to work on or have each family member choose his own quality to focus on.
It is important to develop these qualities so that we may become more like the Savior and do the things that He would have us do. As we strive to do these things it will become easier and easier until it is second nature to us. Even if we are not successful at first, we need to keep striving.
Related Articles:
Young Women: Faith
Helping Your Daughter with Personal Progress
Young Women: Standing for Truth and Righteousness