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Young Women: Faith Activities

At times it is good to plan an entire month of activities based around the value that you are covering for the month. This month I am going to give suggestions that can help the girls focus on their faith goals, as well as building faith. This is a topic that requires reverence. You may want to discuss some of the activities with the girls and let them choose the ones they want to do.

One activity you could do as a class or an entire young women’s group is to plant and care for a garden. This would be great as a service project for an elderly couple or widow as well. The service project could last throughout the year, by having the girls sign up for time to spend pulling weeds each week. It is important that they go in a group if you decide to do this. Before you plant the garden, you should read Alma 32 with the girls. Additionally each girl can plant a seed and care for it over the summer.

Another great activity is having a speaker come to speak on faith or Christ’s Atonement to the girls. You can have this be a more formal meeting and have them come in Sunday dress. You can plan musical numbers as well. A nice touch would be an opportunity for the girls to bear their testimonies if they want to.

Additionally you can challenge the entire young women’s group to complete the Book of Mormon in a set amount of time or to read the Book of Mormon every day for a month. Spend time discussing how this affected each girl. At the end of this activity you may want to have the girls write their testimonies in Books of Mormon to give to the missionaries.

Related Articles:

Young Women: Faith

Young Women: Value Projects