If you are serving in the Young Women’s organization then you should know that it is strongly recommended that the girls plan their own activities, and that the class presidency really learns what is expected of them. This is the training ground for our youth to hold leadership positions in adulthood. Here are five tips to help your young women begin to lead.
1) Hold regular presidency meetings. This will give your girls a chance to gather together and plan future activities and address the needs of the girls. You may call and remind your president, but ask her to remind everyone else involved. Keep the meetings to the point and brief. One meeting a month is a good goal.
2) As you gather together as a group, follow an outline. You may want to give an outline to the class president when she is first called, and explain the topics that need to be covered in each meeting. After that allow her to provide her own outline to each of the girls loosely based on your original one.
3) Have your class presidents give out assignments and plan specifics for the activities. You can make sure that your secretary provides a calendar for the girls or announces the activities to the girls. If phone calls are needed set up a calling tree so that every girl is called.
4) Although it may be hard, step back and let the girls run the show when it is appropriate. If your class is in charge of a combined young men/young women’s activity, then allow them to set up, conduct, and direct the activity. Stepping back allows the girls to step up and take on responsibility.
5) Be available to your girls. If they need help or advice be there to help out. Sometimes just talking a problem through will allow them to find the solution on their own. If your girls know that you are committed to helping them, they will work harder as well.