The next value in the Personal Progress book is knowledge. The theme is “I will continually seek opportunities for study and growth.” The scripture associated with this value is Doctrine and Covenants 88:118: “Seek learning, even by study also by faith.” I really like the scripture because it emphasizes that fact that you need to seek out and work to gain knowledge, but it is also important to acknowledge God and seek out things He would have you learn.
The value experiences focus on the young women learning about themselves. They can list talents that they have and then work on improving those talents. It also challenges them to begin looking at career opportunities and interests that they may want to study in college. They also have the opportunity to learn more about taking care of their future family.
This is one of my favorite values. I have always loved to learn. I also feel that education and learning about the world around us helps us to become more accepting of others. Education and knowledge open doors to opportunities that you may not have otherwise. As you grow in the gospel, you realize that you also need to gain knowledge of the scriptures and other doctrines of the church. Starting habits now of studying can help your daughter in the future.
You can help your daughter to fulfil some of these goals by encouraging her to talk about her interests. She may want to enroll in a class to learn more about a specific interest. You may encourage her to create better study habits. Be prepared to answer any questions that she might have as needed.
You can also work with your other children to develop a love of learning. Taking your family to museums, parks, zoos and planetariums are all great ways to help your children ask questions and enjoy learning. Taking time to explain the little details with your toddlers and preschoolers also helps. Showing an interest in what interests your child also promotes learning.
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