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Young Women: “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly”

In his talk “Let Virtue Garnish Thy Thoughts Unceasingly” President Gordon B Hinckley speaks specifically to the young women. He opens his talk by encouraging the young women to live and embrace this year’s mutual theme “Let Virtue Garnish They Thoughts Unceasingly.” President Hinckley then says:

“Now you young women are on the threshold of life. You are old enough to have been baptized. You are young enough that the future world of which you dream still lies ahead of you. Each is a child of God. Each of you is a creature of Divinity. You are literally a daughter of the Almighty. There is no limit to your potential. If you will take control of your lives, the future is filled with opportunity and gladness. You cannot afford to waste your talents or your time. Great opportunities lie ahead of you.”

President Hinckley then offers a simple program for each young woman to follow to find true happiness in her life. This program can apply to each of us as well. There are four points to follow. The first is to pray. Prayer allows you to speak to your Heavenly Father and receive guidance from Him.

The second item is to study. President Hinckley urges each young woman to take time to study the scriptures. He speaks about all that you can learn by reading the scriptures. In addition to studying the scriptures President Hinckley encourages each young woman to receive as much education as possible. He points out that it opens doors, and that the world is getting much more competitive, which make education even more important.

The third thing that President Hinckley says points you to happiness is to pay your tithing. President Hinckley points out that it is important to establish the habit of paying your tithing when you are young. He also says that paying tithing is an act of faith, and that the Lord will bless you for it.

The final item President Hinckley speaks about is the importance of attending your meetings. This will keep you on the path to return to Heavenly Father. President Hinckley emphasizes the importance of attending Sacrament meetings specifically. It is important to partake of the Sacrament and renew your baptismal covenant.

This excellent talk can be applied to everyone, not just the young women. I hope that you will take the time to ponder these wonderful words. As we follow the counsel of the prophet we will be blessed with peace and happiness.

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