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Young Women: Reaching Out to Everyone

There may be a young woman or two that have a hard time fitting in with the other young women. There are many reasons that this could happen. She could be extremely shy and have a difficult time making friends. She may not feel comfortable around the other girls because her interests are very different from the other girls. She may just have a hard time relating to people in general. When this happens it is important to continue to reach out to the girl and welcome her into the group.

First it is important to open the line of communications with her parents. They may know of things that will help the young woman feel more comfortable. They may also know of things or tactics that would make the young woman more uncomfortable. It is important that the parents know that you are trying, and to keep them informed of the activities that are planned as well.

Second you may want to plan an activity or two specifically to meet the needs of the young woman. If you cover a subject that she is interested in as well as cover a value project. If she comes because she is interested in the activity she may make a friend or two and begin to feel more comfortable coming on a regular basis.

Finally you should speak to the class presidency about reaching out to the girl. This may mean making sure someone calls her each week to invite her to the activity or that they say hello at the beginning of each activity. This might also extend to Sunday class. It is important to talk about being friendly without being pushy. Additionally you may want to talk to them if the young woman is not always polite back about continuing to be polite both in person and when she is not around.

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Young Women: Helping Your Daughter Who Struggles

Young Women: Helping Young Women Attend Weekly Activities

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