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Young Women: Virtue as a Value

Virtue was recently added as a value to the Young Women’s theme, as well as to the Personal Progress award. This value focuses on personal worthiness and purity. When it was introduced the Young Women’s president encouraged all women of the church both in Young Women’s and Relief Society to work towards completing the requirements to pass of the value. This would be especially helpful if you work with Young Women or if you have a young woman in your home.

The scripture associated with this value is Proverbs 31:10: “Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” The value statement is: “I will prepare to enter the temple and remain pure and worthy. My thoughts and actions will be based on high moral standards.”

This value is slightly different because the requirements are laid out differently. There are four set goals that each young woman must complete, and the project for this value is already defined. There is not the option to create your own experiences or projects to complete this goal.

The experiences list specific scriptures and passages to read from For the Strength of Youth and the Family proclamation, and then have the girls write in their journals about the experiences. The topics that they focus on are sexual purity, the Holy Ghost, preparing to enter the temple worthily and repentance.

The value project is to read the Book of Mormon. The girls will also need to record their thoughts in their journal as they read the book of Mormon and reflect on what it teaches us about Christ. At the conclusion the girls should write their testimony of this experience.

The inserts for this value are available through church headquarters. The experiences and project are not difficult to complete, but do give the young woman time to ponder and consider the teachings surrounding virtue. Because this value can be completed so easily, consider whether or not you can make the commitment to complete the experiences and projects as well.

Related Articles:

Young Women: Integrity

Young Women: Individual Worth

Young Women: Faith