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Young Women: “Walk in the Light”

In his talk “Walk in the Light” President Henry B Eyring spoke to the young women. President Eyring began his talk by explaining that life is a journey. He outlines the basic principles of the plan of salvation, in order to point out our lives on earth are a chance to prove our faithfulness to Heavenly Father’s commandments. He points out that just by being on earth now, as a member of the church that each of the girls made righteous choices.

President Eyring speaks about the blessings of making right choices. This allows you to have the Holy Ghost as your constant companion. This will bring you comfort and peace and help you to make more right choices. President Eyring points out that Satan does not want us to be happy and that he is trying to influence us to make the wrong decisions.

President Eyring says that he wishes that he had understood better the choices that he was making in his youth. He reads from Moroni 7:13-20 because it expresses the knowledge he would have liked to have had at that age. This passage talks about how to discern the good from the evil. It talks about choosing the right way so that you can have the spirit with you.

President Eyring closes by challenging the girls to exercise faith. He then promises them that they will have a moment when they feel the Spirit of Christ and the Holy Ghost with them in their lives in the next few days. Choosing to live so that they can have the spirit with them all the time will help them to find happiness and peace.

This is a wonderful talk. It is very poignant and really illustrates the importance of making righteous choices. As I read I saw the ways that I could apply it to my life. I hope that you will take the time to read and ponder these words. They can apply to all of us.

Related Articles:

Family Home Evening: Pivotal Choices

General Conference: “This Day”
