What was the best book that you read in 2010? If you are a big reader, this might be a difficult decision, and you may need to narrow down your list to just one. Powell’s is looking for nominations for it’s annual Puddly Awards. Tell Powell’s your selection of best book of 2010, and you could win a $250.00 Powell’s gift card.
This might be the perfect contest for a bibliophile to enter. It gives you good reason to think about all those wonderful books that you read in 2010. You may even be inspired to re-read your favorites ones! Once you have decided which book you want to nominate for the Powell’s Puddly Awards, you get the opportunity to tell other people about why you think that book was so amazing. Giving Powell’s your recommendation for the book you think should win the 2011 Puddly Awards also gives you a chance to win Powell’s gift cards. What could possibly bet a better prize for a bibliophile than a gift card that you can use to buy more books?
What are the Puddly Awards? This is Powell’s version of the Oscars. The award looks like a pair of golden rain boots. It’s very easy to nominate a book for Powell’s 2011 Puddly Awards. First, figure out which book you want to recommend. Next, go to the Powell’s website, and use the search engine on the page that talks about the Puddly Awards to locate the book you want to nominate. Now, you need to make a customer comment about it, and tell the world why this book is absolutely fantastic. (If you do not already have a Powell’s account, you will need to make one in order to do this.) Make sure you check the box next to the comment, to indicate that you want to nominate this book for the Puddly Awards, just to make everything clear. Publish your comment, and you are done!
Doing this automatically gives you the chance to win the grand prize, which is a $250.00 gift card from Powell’s. It also give you the chance to win one of four runner up prizes. Each one is a $50.00 gift card from Powell’s. Nominate your favorite book before January 31, 2011.
Image by eyeliam on Flickr