Every home should have a first aid kit to be prepared for minor and even major emergencies. As a parent, you know that cuts, scrapes and insect bites occur nearly everyday. Having one place where all of your medicine and supplies are ready when you need them can eliminate feeling overwhelmed and confused.
You can buy prepackaged kits, but they are usually small and the supplies in them are quite limited. Making your own ensures that you have nearly anything you could possibly need in light of a minor or major emergency. Having all of these supplies ready when necessary could possibly save the life of someone you love. It’s important that you have them prepared and organized in case of an emergency.
The first thing to do is find or purchase some type of box to hold and organize your first aid supplies. The best most people have found to be is a fisherman’s tackle box. It has many various sized compartments nearly perfect for separating medical supplies.
Supplies You Need for Your First Aid Kit:
Ace Wrapping Bandage (for sprains, etc.)
Antibiotic Ointment
Antiseptic Wipes (alcohol)
Antibiotic Hand Cleanser
Bandages (all sizes, flexible fabric)
Betadine Solution (topical antiseptic)
Birthing Kit (OB kit)
Blood Pressure Unit
Burn Gel (draws the heat out)
Burn Ointment (antibiotic and pain relief)
Butterfly Stitches
Calamine Lotion
Cotton Balls
Cotton Tip Applicators
CPR Mask
Disposable Gloves
Ear Drops
Ear scope
Epinephrine Auto-Injector for Severe Allergic Reactions
Eye Wash
Eye Pads
Face Mask
Gauze (various sizes)
Hand Sanitizer
Hydrocortisone Ointment (for rashes and itching)
Insect Bite Kit
Instant Cold Pack
Instant, Disposable Heat Packs
Magnifying Glass
Reflex Hammer
Rubbing Alcohol
Safety Pins
Smelling Salts
Snake Bite Kit
Sterile Pads
Tongue Depressor
Wet Wipes
Medicines to Include in Your Kit:
Acid Reducers
Anti-Diarrhea Medicine
Activated Charcoal and Ipecac Syrup to treat ingested poison (you should only use when told to by a Poison Control Center, or other medical professional)
Beverages to use to treat dehydration , especially for infants
Cough Syrup
Decongestant Medicine
Dental Repair Kit
Oral Syringe or Cup for administering medicine
Suppositories for Hemorrhoids
Other Items to Include:
A phone number card for the emergency response, Poison Control Center, and other such phone numbers you would need in an emergency
CPR Instruction Card
First Aid Guide Book
After putting together your home first aid kit you should maintain the supplies. Check the supplies at least every six months. Take inventory, and restock those that are getting low or are used up. You may find that you need to do this more often than every six months, so at first you may need to check it every three months, and then determine when you need to take inventory. Check all of the expiration dates on medicines and other supplies, and throw out any that have expired or are close to expiration. You will feel much safer and less panicked in a time of need with medical supplies organized and ready for use. Understand each item, and bring it to your doctor (or a list of the items) to see what they think.
Stay safe!