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Your Home: Got Any Questions?

If you have a question, tip, idea, or comment, please let us know. For now, I’ll share a question I was asked recently, and offer an answer that I hope will prove helpful.

“My husband loves to barbecue. The only problem is that he is messy. Like the other day, when he touched the wall outside the back door with soot and barbecue sauce on his hands. I didn’t notice it right away since I don’t use that door but go in and out the front door the most since my car is parked in front. By the time I saw it, it was as set stain on my white vinyl siding. I tried almost every cleaner but it still looks bad. How can I get rid of the mess without messing up my siding?”

Scratch Free Comet Powder CleanserWell, it’s good to know I’m not alone. My husband tends to leave evidence of his grilling as well, so I have personal experience with this one. I use Scratch Free Comet Powder Cleanser. Just dab a little on the affected area with a damp rag or sponge (try using it with Mr. Clean Magic Eraser if siding is deeply textured) and gently scrub away the stain. Rinse with warm water or wipe with a clean damp rag.

*The biggest problem with spot cleaning like this is that the freshly cleaned spot may show just how much the rest of the siding (or other surface) needs to be cleaned. You might just end up with a weekend project on your hands.

Here’s a tip to help prevent stains like this in the future:

Apply wax (or furniture polish with wax) to the area that seems to attract your husband’s dirty hands (near the top of the door frame or the doorknob etc.) This should keep the stains from setting until you can get things cleaned up.

Tips for Household Stains