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Your Hubby Could Look Like Brad Pitt!

Did you see Brad Pitt in Troy? Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve at least seen the trailers for the movie and couldn’t help but notice that Mr. Pitt went from chunky to hunky for that movie role.

If you’ve always dreamed of your husband buffing up to look like Brad did in Troy, I’ll tell you how he did it and you can get your husband started on it right away.

Brad needed to bulk up and cut body fat for that role. He was paid a considerable sum for the role so I doubt that any of the sacrifices he made were really considered sacrifices. (I often wonder if I could transform my body as quickly as movie stars do if somebody offered me just a million dollars. Would you?)

The first thing Brad did was quit smoking, stop drinking and swear off chips. Those are three things that we could all do and be much better off for. (Check out this blog for more on how that is done.)

Then he started a nutrition plan that required him to eat four low carbohydrate/high protein meals every day. No bagels. No French fries. No cheeseburger on a bun and no Big Mac! Something like the Zone, Eating-for-Life or the Atkins Maintenance Plan would work here.

Here is the real kicker:

He spent a whole year working out and training intensely with two to three hours in the gym every day, two hours of swordwork every day and 45 minutes on a treadmill (at an intensity in the fat loss range).

So let’s review.

If your dear husband wants to look like Brad Pitt, all he has to do is stop smoking, drinking and eating fried foods. Then he should start eating lots of vegetables and meat, without the potato. Lastly, he should spend a minimum of four hours and forty-five minutes working hard in the gym every day.

Does your husband really need to look like Brad Pitt?