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Your Mate or Your Pet: Should You Have to Choose?

In the past we have discussed moving in together and the struggle that may come with combining material items. The decision of which and whose items are to be kept and whose will be stored or sold can sometimes get complicated. However, what happens when the items being discussed are not material but are living?

I know many people who live out on their own for some time and grow much attached to a dog or cat, especially if it is kept inside the house.

So what happens when this person finds a mate that is not so attracted to the idea of sharing a home with an animal? Some people just simply do not accept the thought of having a dog or cat in their house.

I can imagine that there must be some couples out there who have faced this dilemma. They want to move in with one another but are uncertain how it will affect their four legged friend.

I think that there are several things to look at before making a decision on this one. First, is your mate completely against the pet? If so why? If there is no talk of compromise on this issue, how will your mate react to future issues that arise?

Is this a person that you feel you are ready to spend the rest of your live with? Are you ready to begin giving up some of your own wants and needs for this person?

I think that a compromise of some kind should be worked out. Perhaps you could begin with discussing the main issues that your mate has with the animal being in the house and work on those. For example, if your mate does not like the animal around food, you could offer to put up a gat e to keep it out of the kitchen and put the animal in a different room at mealtime.

You also consider leaving the animal in a fenced in yard during the day and allowing it to come in at night.
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