As I previously mentioned keeping your medical records are extremely important. When I got the very first mammogram results and ultrasound findings I put them aside. When I got my lumpectomy pathology report I started my cancer binder.
In this binder I put all pathology reports, lab results, and I even got copies of my oncologist notes to keep for my own records. My Oncologist seemed to feel that it was not necessary but as you will find out later it came in very handy.
If you are going on any major medical journey I feel that keeping an up to date information binder is almost as important as following doctors’ orders. My reason for this is simple, it is my body not theirs. It sounds simple but when you start getting all the information it is going to be over whelming. You will have doctors’ visits that you won’t really remember what was discussed. If you do any of your own research (like me) you need to have an organized place to keep all the information. It is very handy to check to compare your previous lab or test results to the current ones.
With today’s technology I actually have put my cancer binder on a flash drive that I keep in my fire proof lock box. I simply scan the most recent results in and put them in a folder by what they are, such as if they are labs I have a folder labeled labs and save the new one by its date. I did not upload them to the flash drive until I felt comfortable that I would not be grabbing the binder for a doctor’s visit.
The reports binder is great to help keep information in order. I am having a medical situation with my 9 year old son and I am starting his binder tonight so when we go to the retina specialist I can have all the test results for him and I can make notes on them when we go over them. This binder is very handy when you are being treated by multiple doctors as you do not have to wait for records to make it from doctor to doctor. If a doctor needs a copy just flip to the appropriate section in your binder and let them make a copy. It may seem like needless work but honestly it saves time and is a great source to flip back to if you think of a question.