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Your Teen’s Special Calling

Do you believe that your teen has a special calling? I do. I believe that everyone has a special calling. The last thing I would ever want to do is stand in the way of that calling. If there is one thing I have stressed to my kids is that they should strive to do whatever is going to bring them the greatest pleasure and happiness in life. Go for your dreams and do what you love to do.

Recently I have been called into question for not trying to stop my 16-year-old son’s dreams of joining the Air Force. I have heard, “I would never allow that” and been reminded of how dangerous it is to join the military.

My own dreams were stopped when I was 18 years old and I will never forget that. Early on I determined as a mother that I would not do that to my children.

Is it dangerous to join the military? It certainly is. Do I wish my child harm? Obviously I do not. However I have been subtly accused of that. It hurts but I have to stick to what I know is best is for my children.

From the time my son was seven years old, he had a fascination with aircraft. At the time I was homeschooling him so when he was nine years old and still interested, I incorporated that into our curriculum. Pretty soon it developed into an interest in the military and soldiers. It just sort of evolved over time.

I will never forget when he was ten or eleven years old and we had gone to the veteran’s cemetery in our city during Memorial weekend. Every flag that rested beside a gravesite, he would make sure was perfect. If it was leaning over he would straighten it. If there was dirt on it he would brush it off.

I didn’t put that idea in him. It was within his heart to do it. It was the start to his calling. Then when he turned 14 years old he joined a Civil Air Patrol program. He found his place. Now he is looking into the Air Force. This isn’t something he came up with off the cuff. It has been a calling that has been stirring within him for years. How could I ever try to squash his dream?

I think it’s important that we let our teens discover their special calling. These are the years when we can begin to nurture their talents, interests and skills. Don’t dismiss the dreams that your teen has. Yes, they may change. They may not be what you would have wished. This is the part of parenting where we have to learn to let go. It isn’t easy, I can tell you that. But it is a necessary process. Why not make the process much easier by letting your teen live out their special calling?

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About Stephanie Romero

Stephanie Romero is a professional blogger for Families and full-time web content writer. She is the author and instructor of an online course, "Recovery from Abuse," which is currently being used in a prison as part of a character-based program. She has been married to her husband Dan for 21 years and is the mother of two teenage children who live at home and one who is serving in the Air Force.