So, I was watching the Today show this morning and there was a lot of focus on Mitt Romney and the Republican Convention. Big surprise there, I know. The story also included the subject of MItt Romney’s faith because apparently he is going to speak about it in his speech tomorrow night. So, once again, Mormonism is in the spotlight. But, one thing that surprised me was that they said that most people don’t know a lot about our faith. And, I thought, really?
Sure, maybe you don’t know a lot about specific theology, like the fact that we do believe in the bible, although people out there might say we don’t. Or, the fact that we believe there is a living Prophet on the earth today. Yes, we believe he is just as much a prophet as say, Moses, or Noah. Or how about the ever so popular, “mormons aren’t christian” debate? But, haven’t most people worked with, lived by, spoken to, gone to school with, or been in contact in some way with a mormon? Don’t most people realize that we are a lot like everyone else?
Sure, we have our quirks. But, I was trying to think of what your typical mormon AMERICAN family might look like these days. These are not absolutes, and are definitely generalizations, but nonetheless, they are mostly true.
We might have mega weddings where 5 siblings get married on the same day.
We probably won’t drink coffee or iced tea, but sure might have a diet coke.
We dress modestly, so sometimes we aren’t the most stylish, but we try to keep up with the latest trends. We just might throw a t-shirt under (or over) it.
We love having kids. Maybe not as many as we used to, but we want them. And, we love them. Family is the most important. One wife and one husband is the norm. Two to four kids is not so abnormal.
We try to go to church every Sunday. Even if that means sitting in the hall most of the time listening from a distance, because our 2 year old is not that into sitting still.
We go to the movies (usually not rated R), watch TV, celebrate birthdays and holidays, send our kids to public school, let them play soccer, or learn karate.
We have friends that aren’t mormon. Family that isn’t mormon. But, we love them just the same.
We usually want to send our kids to college, and work toward becoming successful in life. The man tries to be the breadwinner if possible, but many women work and raise families, too. You might see lots of mormons that are doctors, lawyers, dentists, etc. But, we make up every occupation imaginable. We aren’t all rich and many of us struggle. We give 10% of our income to the church.
We probably won’t swear a lot, will look clean cut, and will think wholesome activities are cool (even if they’re not). We’re a little cheesy like that. Because, we don’t drink, or do drugs, we are looking for the wholesome activities that will give us a “buzz” like playing a game on a Saturday night with friends while our toddlers destroy the adjacent room. We try to be happy the good ole fashioned way. But, we’re not perfect and make mistakes like everybody else.
We want to get married and sometimes do it ridiculously young.
But, the truth is, we’re just like everybody else:
We might be divorced or married.
Happy or struggling with depression.
Broken or balanced.
Rich or poor.
Super sweet or super sarcastic.
Gay or straight.
Loved by adoption, or by blood.
Judgmental or open-minded.
Home schooling or happily public schooling our kids.
We might have one kid or ten.
Running for President or running next door to borrow an egg.