Taking your kids to the zoo can be a delightful way to spend a day outdoors and amongst some of the most magnificent creatures in nature. Spring is an exceptionally popular time for schools and parents alike to take kids to the zoo. So it’s important to plan for your trip carefully, especially if you are heading out in springtime.
Zoos often feature memberships that can greatly reduce your visitor costs if you plan to attend the zoo regularly. You can also pre-buy tickets to many zoos and that can save you money as well. Check their website or with someone over the phone about the hours and the exhibits that are being featured.
While there are places to eat at many zoos, we like to pack our own lunch. Sandwiches and fruit along with bottles of water can allow us to share a rather healthy picnic amidst our wanderings.
Some zoos feature docents (tour guides) and depending on how many of you there are, you may be able to arrange a tour or join one. Tour guides are not necessary when it comes to visiting the zoo, but some docents are amazingly knowledgeable and extremely entertaining. They can provide your children with a lot of information and make it fun at the same time.
If you want to visit the zoo at off-peak times – winter is usually the best season for that. Carry an umbrella, no matter what time of year, in case of rain. Zoo trips can be fun, but no one wants to get soaked.
Check with your local zoo for nighttime hours. In the Dallas area, there are programs at both the Dallas Zoo and Fort Worth Zoo that allow your kids to be there in evening and night hours. Since many of the larger animals such as lions tend to be more nocturnal, they may get a better look at some of these animals during a nighttime trip.